Past exhibition
Franziskus Wendels – Lichtungen
26.01.2020 – 22.03.2020
Franziskus Wendels’ paintings and installation arrangements deal with the effects of nocturnal city scenarios and their relationship to artificial illumination. In this way, the night and the dark room, in which light can only experience objects, inevitably become the central theme of his works. At the same time, his works are designed in such a way that they are characterized only by blurring and ambiguity. They illustrate the outside space, the nightly nature or the urban landscape as well as the interior, the mysterious interior. In a peculiar way, the viewer only partially becomes part of these productions, because painting ultimately remains deliberately intangible. Franziskus Wendels will use objects and found objects to build new installations that reveal a different effect when the room is completely dark.
Franziskus Wendels kidnaps visitors in nocturnal big city scenarios and makes the night and the dark room, in which the light only makes something tangible, the central theme of his works. Wendels constructs installations with objects and found objects that reveal a different world when the room is completely dark.
For the opening of the exhibition on Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
in the Ludwig Museum in the Deutschherrenhaus speaks PROF. DR. BEATE REIFENSCHEID (Director, Ludwig Museum, Koblenz).
Musical accompaniment: Duo Vibraphon / Irina Krimer (piano), Wilfried Bellinghausen (vibraphone)
The artist will be present.