An evening for the exhibition “1966: Spain’s awakening. An Art Museum of the Future” under the theme “La Trancisción” (Transition Phase).
The evening will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Beate Reifenscheid, Director, Suzana Leu, M.A. and Sarah Maria Wluka, M.A. Accompanied by culinary surprises from Gottschalk and Riesling from the Matthias Müller winery.
Cost incl. aperitif and stuzzichini: €19. Thursday, 25.01.2024,
18-19.30 hrs. Registration until Sunday evening, 21.01.2024
Jump in Art – Get out of the office and into the art world!
25.01.2024 , 18:00
Weitere Informationen
Eusebio Sempere, „Latido“ (Schlag), 1966, Eisenstäbe, geschweißt und bemalt, 148,4 × 149,4 × 2,6 cm, Colección Fundación Juan March, Museo de Arte Abstracto Español, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023.